Your story through powerful films

Tell your stories vividly. Documentary videography with a cinematic approach and upbeat editing style.

From commercial films and inspirational short movies, to travel journals and beautiful videos of life moments. We're based in Toronto, Canada and are ready to take on a cinematic adventure!

I'm Sam

A creative director and experienced filmmaker, based in Toronto, Canada. I specialize in commercial and documentary videography, and also offer creative communication guidance to various brands.

Featured Videos


Ideal Locations in San Francisco to have a dreamy couple session

Ideal Locations in San Francisco to have a dreamy couple session

Ideal Locations in San Francisco to have a dreamy couple session

Travel Dates

September 21

USA / California

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October 15

France / Paris

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November 7

Spain / Barcelona

Based outside of Canada? We can still make it work. I'm on the road a lot. Message me about your video needs and we'll make it happen.

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May 10

Italy / Tuscany

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Canada / Toronto

July 23

Fringilla ligula commodo





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